Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Burping, buttcheeks and little boy humor

The other night, the kids and I were watching TV when an Old Navy commercial came on. You know, one of those where the mannequins are supposed to be talking to each other. This time, their topic was an outerwear sale.

My 7-year-old son couldn't contain his laughter. "Outerwear??" he said. "I thought they said UNDERWEAR!!"

He repeated this at least five times. And when the commercial came on again, he said it again. And then again.

At bedtime, he was still giggling to himself. "Mom," he whispered close to my ear. "UNDERWEAR!!"

Because that is what is funny to 7 year old boys - well, at least to my 7-year-old boy. It's taken a little getting used to, sure. But now I know. Other things that may evoke uncontrollable bouts of giggles include:

Farting noises. Or farting noises made with a hand under an armpit. Or squeaking shoes that might possibly sound like farting noises. Or even plain old-school farting noise done with your mouth. Extra points if any of this is heard at school.

Repeating things. Repeating things. Repeating things. Repeating things.

Watching people on TV fall down. Extra points if they're yelling loudly.

Pretending to snore when it's time to go somewhere important. Extra points if we're in a hurry.

YouTube star The Annoying Orange.

Belching. (Just like dad. Hmmmmm.)

Pillow fights with his sister.

The cartoon show Adventure Time.

Saying, "Close your eyes and then kiss me goodnight." Then quickly whipping around so, if you're dumb enough to fall for it, you'll soon be kissing his feet or his rear end.

Putting his shoes on the wrong feet, shuffling to the door and continuously saying, "It's fine - they feel good," when you try to get him to change.

That Subway commercial where the little boy who never gets what he wants says, "Can I dye the cat?" and the dad yells, "No!!"

The word "buttcheeks."

Spongebob Squarepants doing just about anything.

Oh, and maybe I forgot: The word UNDERWEAR.

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